The Effect of Different Types and Levels of Adhesive on The Burning Rate and Drop Test of Briquettes Bioarang Made from Beef Cattle Feces
Background. The purposes of this study were to determine the effect of different types and levels of adhesive on the burning rate and drop test, and to determine the level of adhesive which affects the longest burning rate and the smallest drop test of briquettes bioarang. Materials and Methods. The research method used experimental, with a nested design design consisting of 6 treatments and 4 replicates. Each briquette sample consisted of 75% feces charcoal and 25% swadust charcoal, with each treatment level in tapioca flour and jiho flour namely A1 (10%), A2 (20%), and A3 (30%) from the ingredients charcoal with the pyrolysis method. The variable measured were burning rate and drop test. Results. The results of burning rate with tapioca flour type of adhesive showed that A1, A2, and A3 were: 0,238±0,031, 0,160±0,028, dan 0,120±0,024 respectively. Then jiho flour showed that A1, A2, and A3 were: 0,218±0,038, 0,153±0,028, dan 0,148±0,017 respectively. And the results of drop test with tapioca flour showed that A1, A2, and A3 were: 1.020±0,434, 0.893±0,656, and 0.730±0,040 respectively. Then jiho flour showed that A1, A2, and A3 were: 2.328±0,140, 0.810±0,158, and 0.775±0,124 respectively. Based on the results showed that the type of adhesive was not significantly different (P> 0.05) in the Burning Rate and Drop Test. Otherwise, the adhesive level showed significantly different results (P <0.05) in the Burning Rate and Drop Test. The optimum levels of tapioca and jiho adhesive for burning rate of briquettes bioarang was 20%. Then the optimum levels of tapioca adhesive for drop test of briquettes bioarang was 10%. And the optimum levels of jiho adhesive for drop test of briquettes bioarang was 20%. Conclusion. Tapioca 20% and jiho flour were the optimum briquette adhesive for burning rate and drop test.
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