Scientific journals and conference proceedings published by Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman University



      Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Agribisnis Peternakan (STAP) merupakan media publikasi hasil pemikiran, kajian, dan penelitian dari para akademisi, peneliti, praktisi, dan pemangku kebijakan pemerintahan bidang peternakan di seluruh Indonesia. STAP diterbitkan berkala secara online setiap 1 tahun sekali sebagai sebagai luaran atau output dari kegiatan Seminar Nasional Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. STAP 1 (2013), STAP 2 (2014), STAP 3 (2015), STAP 4 (2016), STAP 5 (2017), STAP 6 (2018), STAP 7 (2020), STAP 8 (2020), STAP 9 (2021), STAP 9 (2022)

    E-ISSN: 2830-6686. Abbreviation: STAP

  • ANGON: Journal of Animal Science and Technology

    ANGON: Journal of Animal Science and Technology is a scientific journal devoted to publishing research articles, ideas, or reviews in the field of animal science. Articles published in ANGON: Journal of Animal Science and Technology came from the best papers selected by the editorial board and got blind review. The journal will be published three times a year and published articles are available in free access on PDF format.

    'Angon' is a word from the Javanese which means rising animal. The ANGON Journal is expected to provide a good ecosystem in the development of technology in the field of animal science, thus providing benefits to the wider community.

    Abbreviation : ANGON J. Anim. Sc. Technol.

    Scope :

    Production, selection and animal breeding
    Animal feeds and nutritions
    Storage and processing technology for animal products
    Socioeconomics of animal production
    Animal biotechnology



    OUTLOOK ON ANIMAL AGRICULTURE IN THE TROPICS (OAAT) merupakan jurnal ilmiah dengan pendekatan multidisiplin yang didedikasikan pada penyebarluasan artikel ilmiah dalam bidang ilmu dan teknologi peternakan. OAAT merupakan jurnal open-access yang mengumpulkan akademia dari berbagai disiplin ilmu dan negara untuk berbagi dan mempublikasikan gagasan, opini, dan kajian terkini sehingga dapat memberikan inspirasi untuk mengembangkan ilmu peternakan dan teknologi.

    OUTLOOK ON ANIMAL AGRICULTURE IN THE TROPICS (OAAT) is a multidisciplinary scientific journal dedicated to the dissemination of scientific articles in the field animal science and technology. It is an open access publication that bringing together experts from multidisciplinary academia to inspire and promote current research and development in the field of animal science and technology.



    Outlook Anim. Agric. Trop.


    Editorial office:

    Secretariate Doctoral Program, Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

    Kampus UNSOED Karangwangkal Purwokerto, Indonesia 53123