Effect Of Thawing And Post Thawing Duration With Warm Water (37oC) On The Quality Of Ongole Crossbreed Cattle Spermatozoa
This research aimed to examine the effect of the duration of thawing and post thawing using warm water (37°C) on the quality of the spermatozoa of Ongole Crossbreed cattle. The material used was 27 Ongole Crossbreed cattle straw from the Department of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry Banyumas. The research method used was an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial 3x3 pattern with three replications, variables observed namely motility, viability and abnormalities of the Ongole Crossbreed cattle spermatozoa in the different thawing and post thawing periods. The results showed that there were no interaction effects between thawing and post thawing duration (P> 0.05) on motility, viability and abnormalities of spermatozoa, but there was an effect (P <0.05) on post thawing duration on motility (P3 = 39.01%) and effect (P <0.05) on thawing duration on viability (T3 = 50.65%). The results of the analysis of variance carried out further Honest Significant Difference (HSD). The best treatment for motility is 30 minutes post-thawing (P1 = 51.19%) and viability is 15 seconds duration thawing (T1 = 57.27%) with abnormalities still below the threshold range between 12.64% and 14, 01%. Recommended that the duration of thawing and post thawing use the T3P1 method (45 seconds and 30 minutes) to obtain the good quality of the sperm (based on motility) that is still suitable for artificial insemination.
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