Author guidelines

Article preparation and upload

1. Articles are written in Indonesian or English.

2. The article was written by at least two researchers.

3. Articles are written based on the writing according to the template provided.

4. Articles have no more than 9 pages.

5. Data in the article uses the International Unit (SI).

6. Tables and illustrations have sequential numbers and become part of the writing paragraph.

The structure and conditions of article

Consisted of the title, author and affiliation, abstract, introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions, bibliography.

Title: Simple and written no more than 20 words without da abbreviations.

Author and affiliation: The names of the authors are written in full without titles. Affiliates are written only the name of the organization / institution and the name of the city. An email correspondence from one of the authors is included next.

Abstract: Abstract written in Indonesian and English. Consists of Background, Methodology, Results, Conclusions in Indonesian Language or Background, Methodology, Results, Conclusion in English. At the beginning of the section, the name of the part printed in bold is fused as a paragraph. The end of the abstract included 5 keywords.

Introduction: This section provides readers with reasons why an issue is raised as research. These reasons are accompanied by sufficient evidence regarding previous studies. The foundation is used to determine the purpose and clearly written on the study to be published.

Methodology: This section explains in detail the material used in research, tools and materials can be written clearly to the brand or manufacturer. Research tools can also be written up to the series / version used. The method is written in a concise but concise manner covering the entire sequence of research stages, write a reference if it is based on the method of the previous research. Modifications to the method of reference must be written in detail. Write down the statistical method and the help tool if used.

Results and discussion: This section explains in full the data obtained. This explanation is reinforced by empirical reasons why it can occur, how its implications and accompanied by comparative literature. Data can be presented in tabular and illustrated form.

Conclusion: This section mentions one or several main results based on the explanation in the previous section. Research data are not mentioned in this section. Writing conclusions of a maximum of 75 words or one paragraph.

Bibliography: all literature used in writing articles is presented in this section.

1. The order of writing literature in alphabetical order from the first letter of the main author's last name.

2. Mention the URL or DOI link from the reference used if available.

Example journal :

Purwantini, D., S.A. Santosa and Ismoyowati. 2017. Single nucleotide polymorphism genotypes of the follicle stimulating hormone gene associated with egg production from Tegal and Magelang ducks with their resulting reciprocal crosses. IJPS 16(11): 434-442. DOI: 10.3923/ijps.2017.434.442

Sufiriyanto, S., N. Iriyanti and E. Susanti. 2018. Hematology profiles and performance of broiler chickens fed on commercial feed. Anim. Prod. 20(3): 182-190. DOI: 10.20884/1.jap.2018.20.3.732.

Example of Conference, Symposium, etc :

Sodiq, A., P.  Yuwono, Y.N.  Wakhidati, M.  Rayhan, A.H. Sidhi dan A. Maulianto. 2018. Pengembangan peternakan sapi potong di kabupaten Cilacap dalam Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Agribisnis Peternakan Seri VI (STAP VI) (S.A. Santosa, A.P. Nugroho, A.N. Syamsi, H.S. Widodo, L. Safitri dan Murniyatun). Purwokerto, 7 Juli 2018. Hal: 94-98. URL :