The Effect Of Made Insemination Intervals And Spermatozoa Concentration On Salable Chick And Grade Out On Sentul Chicken

  • Deden Burhanudin Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Indonesia
  • Dadang Mulyadi Saleh Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Indonesia
  • Sigit Mugiyono Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Indonesia
Keywords: artificial insemination, spermatozoa concentration, salable chick, grade out, sentul chicken


This study was conducted to determine the optimal level of IB interval and the concentration of Spermatozoa to increase Salable Chick and decrease Grade Out in Sentul chickens. The material used in this study was 108 female chickens and 24 male chickens. The method used in this study is experimental with a factorial pattern of Completely Randomized Design (CRD) (3x3). The first factor tested was the IB interval with a duration of 3 days; 6 days; 9 days and the second factor is the use of 50 million spermatozoa concentrations; 100 million; 150 million. The treatment was repeated three times. The variables in this study were salable chick and garade out. The results of the variance analysis showed that the interval of artificial insemination and spermatozoa concentration had no significant effect (P> 0.05) on salable chick and grade out on Sentul chickens, but the interaction between the intervals of artificial insemination and spermatozoa concentrations was significant (P <0.05) against the salable chick and grade out of Sentul chicken. The average salable chick and grade out produced in the study were 95.56% ± 2.10% and 4.44% ± 4.21%. based on orthogonal polynomial testing, the effect is linear with salable chick regression equation and Y i3 grade = 157.21 - 1.7922667 X + 0.00896133 X2 R2 = 96.8%, Y i3 = -52,222 + 1.50072 X - 0.0075036 X2 R2 = 95.63%, which means the interaction effect between the interval of artificial insemination and the concentration of spermatozoa significantly different from the salable chick and grade out in Sentul chickens was 96.8% and 95.63%, and each artificial insemination with a concentration of 50, 100, 150 million would increase 3.2% salable chick and will reduce 4.37% grade out on Sentul chickens. So the interaction between interval IB with the concentration of spermatozoa had a significant effect, meaning that there was a joint effect of the two treatments on salable chick and grade out on Sentul chickens.



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How to Cite
D. Burhanudin, D. Saleh, and S. Mugiyono, “The Effect Of Made Insemination Intervals And Spermatozoa Concentration On Salable Chick And Grade Out On Sentul Chicken”, ANGON: Journal of Animal Science and Technology, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 168-177, Mar. 2020.