The Use Of Fermeherbafit Encapsulation In Feed On Cholesterol And Fatty Liver In Male Sentul Chickens
Background. The aim of this study was to review the use of fermeherbafit encapsulation in feed on cholesterol and fatty liver in male sentul chickens. Materials and Methods. The research material consisted of 60 male sentul chickens. The feed ingredients used were soybean meal, fish meal, methionine, lysine, corn, rice bran, oil, premix, lime. The diet was based on isoprotein and isocalori with a protein content of 16% and metabolic energy of 2900 kcal/ kg. The study was carried out experimentally with maintenance using a completely randomized design (CRD), with 4 treatments and 5 replications, each replication consisted of 5 male sentul chickens. These treatments were R0 : controlled feed; R1 : feed with non encapsulated fermeherbafit of 2%; R2 : feed with encapsulation fermeherbafit of 2%; R3 : feed with encapsulation fermeherbafit of 4%; R4 : feed with encapsulation fermeherbafit of 6%. The data obtained was processed by variance analysis. Results. The average results of cholesterol liver R0, R1, R2, R3, R4 were 168,30±25,49; 155,23±45,01; 157,73±19,81; 152,36±14,81; 147,64±14,83 and the average results of fatty liver R0, R1, R2, R3, R4 were 10,04±0,95; 9,12±0,52; 9,38±0,50; 10,15±1,29; 9,99±0,91. The results showed that the use of fermeherbafit encapsulation in feed had no significant effect (P> 0.05) on cholesterol and fatty liver of male sentul chicken. Conclusion. The use of encapsulation up to 6% in feed produced relatively similar effect on cholesterol and fatty liver of male sentul chicken.
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