The Size of Comb and Shank and Its Correlation With Body Weight of various of Sentul Chicken Age of 18 Weeks
Background. This study aims to determine the differences in the size of combs and shanks and their correlation with various body weight of sentul chickens aged 18 weeks. Materials and Methods. The material used in the study consisted of 175 sentul chickens aged 18 weeks. This research was conducted using the experimental method using a Randomized Design Complete with treatment, namely Sa: sentul abu, Sb: sentul stone, Sd: centul dust, Se: centul gold and Sg: sentul geni. Data were analyzed using variance analysis and multiple linear regression to determine the relationship between the size of the comb and shank with body weight. Results. The results showed a variety of
sentul chickens having a long comb size and comb width that were significantly different (P> 0.05), but the width of the comb and shank size (P <0.05) were relatively the same. The results of the analysis of the Honest Significant Difference on the comb length variable showed that Sentul Dust and sentul Batu chicken were significantly different from Golden Sentul chicken and Sentul Geni chicken while the height of the comb showed that sentul Abu and sentul chicken chicken were significantly different from Sentul Ayam chicken and sentul chicken chicken. Conclusion. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there is no difference in the size of the comb and various shanks of sentul chickens aged 18 weeks. Shank size determines body weight compared to the size of the comb.
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