Comparative Study Of Conformity Based On The Number Of Members And Establishment Age Of Beef Cattle Breeders Group In Kedungbanteng District
Background. Comparative study of conformity based on the number of members and establishment age of beef cattle breeders group in Kedungbanteng district. The research was conducted on June 18th – July 3rd 2018, located in Kedungbanteng District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java. Materials and methods. The study aimed to determined the group conformity, the number of members and the establishment age of beef cattle breeders in Kedungbanteng Subdistrict and analyzed the comparison of conformity based on the number of members and establishment age of beef cattle breeders group in Kedungbanteng district. The research method used was survey method. Determination of regional samples method was purposive sampling by taking villages with more beef cattle populations than other villages that was Kebocoran Village, Kutaliman Village, Windujaya Village and Kalisalak Village. Group sampling was carried out by census method that was the group of farmers from the Maju Sentosa, Sakeco, Lembu Jaya and Sido Mulyo groups. Total respondents amounted to 60 people. The analysis used was descriptive analysis and Mann Whitney test. Results. The results of this study indicated that the conformity of the Maju Sentosa and Sakeco groups was classified as very conform while the conformity of the Sido Mulyo and Lembu Jaya groups was quite conformable. Conclusion. There were differences in conformity based on the number of members that were significant between groups except groups with a difference in the number of members. Secondly there was a difference in conformity based on the long period of significant group establishment.
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